Laboratoire de Recherches sur les Cultures Anglophones, UMR 8225


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Diane Leblond

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Fonction: Lectrice at Gonville & Caius College, University of Cambridge (



Dissertation Topic:

  • Optics of Fiction: Analysing Visual Dispositives in Four Contemporary British Novels – Time’s Arrow by Martin Amis, Gut Symmetries by Jeanette Winterson, Cloud Atlas by David Mitchell, Clear by Nicola Barker.
  • Supervised by: Catherine Bernard
  • Defended 25 November 2016.


  • Doctorate in Anglophone studies – Contemporary British Literature and Visual Culture. 2011-2016.
  • MA (2nd year) at the Ecole Normale Supérieure (Lyon) and University Paris Diderot (Sorbonne Paris Cité). Thesis under the supervision of Pr Catherine Bernard, 2010.
  • Passed the Agrégation in English, 2008.
  • MA (1st year) at the Ecole Normale Supérieure (Lyon). Thesis under the supervision of Pr Elisabeth Angel-Perez. Title: Reading Crave and 4.48 Psychosis: Theatre According to Sarah Kane. 2007.
  • BA at the Ecole Normale Supérieure Lettres et Sciences Humaines (Lyon) and University Jean Moulin (Lyon 3). Student of the Ecole Normale Supérieure, 2005-2011.

Conference Papers and Publications:

  • “Clear, de Nicola Barker: ‘A Transparent Novel’?”, Études britanniques contemporaines [online], 44|2013. URL:
  • “Martin Amis and ‘the Nature of the Offence’: from Expressions of Outrage to the Experience of Scandal”, Études britanniques contemporaines [online], 45 | 2013. URL:

  • “Perception compromise, perspicacité perdue : nécessité de la fiction dans The Insult de Rupert Thomson”, dans Perception, Perspective, Perspicacité, textes réunis par Françoise Buisson, Christelle Lacassain-Lagoin et Florence Marie, Paris, Lharmattan, 2014, p. 225-240.
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