Laboratoire de Recherches sur les Cultures Anglophones, UMR 8225


Université Paris Diderot- uspc


Accueil > Appels / Offres > Semestres Terra Immersion

Semestres Terra Immersion

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The Terra Foundation for American Art has created a program called « Terra Foundation Immersion Semesters Student Fellowships ». LARCA-Paris Diderot is one of the two French beneficiary teams of this three-year program, which carries a generous grant for student fellowships.

Thanks to this grant, one graduate student (affiliated with LARCA) per year will attend, for one semester, a U.S. graduate institution with strengths in American art history, c. 1500-1980. The selected student will also be given a stipend for one month of travel to visit U.S. museum collections of American art.

For the year 2018-2019, this program’s recipient is Yonit Aronowicz, a doctoral student with a topic on the use of photographic archives in contemporary creative practices. She will spend the spring semester of 2019 at the City University of New York’s graduate program in Art history.

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