Laboratoire de Recherches sur les Cultures Anglophones, UMR 8225


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Home > Conferences > 2018-2019

Circulation and Control

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“Images, Copyright, and the Public Domain in the Long Nineteenth Century” is a multi-year project that began with a conference at the Winterthur Museum, Garden, & Library (Delaware, USA) March 29-30, 2018.

The project has received generous funding from the Terra Foundation for American Art, the Samuel H. Kress Foundation, Winterthur Museum, Garden & Library, and the Institut universitaire de France.

A second conference was held at Reid Hall, Columbia University’s Institute in Paris on June 20-21, 2019, and was entitled "Circulation and Control: Art, Copyright, and the Image Revolutions of the Nineteenth Century." (The full program is available below).

Circulation and Control: Art, Copyright, and the Image Revolutions of the Nineteenth Century

Conference organized by the Laboratoire de recherches sur les cultures anglophones (LARCA, UMR 8225 – Université Paris Diderot – CNRS) and Winterthur Museum, Garden, & Library

With the generous support of the Terra Foundation, the Samuel H. Kress Foundation, and the Institut universitaire de France

Date: 20-21 June 2019

Place: Columbia Global Centers Europe (Reid Hall), 4 rue du Chevreuse 75006 Paris

Please note: This conference will consist entirely of discussions of pre-circulated papers. There will be no oral presentations so it is important to read the papers in advance. If you would like to attend the meeting and have access to the papers, please contact wslauter [at] univ-paris-diderot [dot] fr


Thursday, June 20, 2019

9:30-9:45: Coffee

9:45-10:00: Marie-Stéphanie Delamaire (Winterthur Museum, Garden & Library) and Will Slauter (LARCA, Paris Diderot – CNRS), Introduction

10:00-10:40: Isabella Alexander (law, University of Technology Sydney) and Cristina S. Martinez (art history, University of Ottawa), “The First Copyright Case under the 1735 Engravers’ Act: The Germination of Visual Copyright?”

10:50-11:30: Marie-Stéphanie Delamaire (curator of fine arts, Winterthur Museum, Garden & Library), “Painting as Intellectual Property in Nineteenth-Century America”

11:40-12:20: Simon Stern (law, University of Toronto), “Artistic Copyright and Derivative Rights in Nineteenth-Century England”

12:20-13:30 Lunch

13:30-14:10: Oren Bracha (law, University of Texas), “Before A Picture Was Worth A Thousand Words: Ben-Hur in Court”

14:20-15:00: Erika Piola (curator of prints and photographs, Library Company of Philadelphia), “The Frame Maker/Picture Dealer: The Hybrid Entrepreneur of the Nineteenth-Century Popular Print Market”

15:10-15:50: Thomas Smits (history, University of Utrecht), “Piracy, Copyright, and the Transnational Trade in Illustrations of News in the Mid-Nineteenth Century”

16:00-17:00: Alessandra Tosi (OpenBook Publishers, Cambridge). Presentation of OBP and Q&A about the publication process

19:30: Conference dinner in local restaurant

Friday June 21, 2019

10:00-10:40: Michael Knies (librarian, University of Scranton), “Honorable Emulation Versus Dishonorable Appropriation: Copying, Piracy, and Copyright in Late Nineteenth-Century Typography”

10:50-11:30: Rose Roberto, (Research Associate, Dept. of Typography and Graphic Communications, University of Reading), “(Re)Assembling Reference Books and Recycling Images: The Wood Engravings of the W. & R. Chambers Firm”

11:40-12:20: Shannon Perich, (curator of photographic history, Smithsonian), “Did Patent Confusion Dim the Ambrotype?”

12:20-13:30: Lunch

13:30-14:10: Karen Lemmey (curator of sculpture, Smithsonian Institution), “Nineteenth-century American Sculpture and U.S. Design Patents”

14:20-15:00: Elena Cooper (law, CREATE, University of Glasgow) and Marta Iljadica (law, CREATE, University of Glasgow), “Architectural Copyright, Painters, and Rights to Public Space in Mid-Nineteenth Century Britain”

15:10-15:50: Jill Haley (curator, Canterbury Museum, Christchurch, New Zealand), “King Tāwhiao’s Photograph: Commerce, Celebrity and Copyright in Nineteenth-Century New Zealand”

16:00-16:40: Katherine Mintie (research fellow in photography, Harvard Art Museums), “Photography vs The Press: Copyright Law and the Rise of the Photographically Illustrated Press”

16:50-17:00: Marie-Stéphanie Delamaire and Will Slauter, conclusions & next steps

17:00-18:30: Catered reception (on site at Reid Hall)

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