Laboratoire de Recherches sur les Cultures Anglophones, UMR 8225


Université Paris Diderot- uspc


Accueil > Publications > Interfaces Journal

About the Journal

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Interfaces is a bilingual illustrated journal focusing on the dividing line - the "interface" - between language and the image, two means of expression different and yet inseparable. This interface was displaced when the cinema made the image move, then speak, thus making time its medium and creating a new type of discourse. Meanwhile the old interface between language and the static image still remains and its power is enhanced by modern technology. The journal’s plural title signals a special interest in :

  • Literature (book illustration, stage decoration, literary fiction, poetry)
  • Linguistics (mental representations, enunciation, metaphorisation, didactics)
  • The visual arts, the media and civilization studies (the relationship between literature and the visual arts, literature and the media, art citicism)
  • Epistemology (image and cognition, the scientific imagination)

Editorial and Advisory Board

Contents of Past Issues

Journal website :


Interfaces was founded in 1991 by Michel Baridon and a group of scholars from the English department of the Université de Bourgogne in Dijon. Wishing to take into account the increasing importance and the new conditions of ‘visual culture’ in contemporary society, they wished to expand the scope and methods of their teaching by exploring the image / language relationship and nexus. In order to consider this relationship from the broadest possible angle, they opened the journal to interdisciplinary research, not only on the arts and literature but also on linguistics and epistemology.
The journal, which is bilingual (French / English), has benefited, from the outset, from the support of researchers from other institutions who approved its approach and its objectives, in particular Maurice Géracht, Professor of English literature at the College of the Holy Cross, Worcester, Massachusetts, USA, and Frédéric Ogée, Professor of Britosh literature and art history at Université Paris Diderot, and their two universities have supported the journal since the beginning and have become partners with the Université de Bourgogne to carry out and develop its activities.

Between 1995 and 2008, Interfaces was granted CNRS recognition (a status abandoned by CNRS in 2008).

In 2010, Interfaces received the Parnassus Award for Significant Editorial Achievement from The Council of Editors of Learned Journals. This competition solicits a single issue, published within the previous 3 years, that constitutes an unusually high realization of the belletristic journal’s mission in combination with application of the highest standards of "learned" editorial practice—understood to encompass editing for selection of high-quality content, compelling arrangement of contents, style, visual appeal and readability, etc.

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