Laboratoire de Recherches sur les Cultures Anglophones, UMR 8225


Université Paris Diderot- uspc


Accueil > Publications > Arts of War and Peace Review

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Arts of War and Peace Review

We must know that war [pólemos] is common to all and strife [érin] is justice, and that all things come into being and pass away through strife. (Heraclitus, fragment#80)

Whether or not Heraclitus is right, war is a central cultural phenomenon, which always needs to be re-examined and re-contextualized. The distinguishing characteristic of this review is the conviction that war and peace are closely interrelated and cannot be studied separately : war and peace often seem to preclude each other, yet in the light of their varying effects and consequences they turn out to be inseparable.

This review explores that entangled relationship drawing on all the materials, discourses, representations, processes and procedures generated around this conflicted and contested alliance. Contributions to the review are welcomed from wide-ranging fields : poetry and literature, visual culture and history.

Since 2013 Arts of War and Peace Review (AWP) has published three numbers, two on war poetry, “The Fallen and Unfallen,” and “Can Literature and the Arts be Irenic ?” and a number on photography, “War Images.” A number on the First World War and the multiple commemorations of its centenary will appear soon followed by a number on “Women’s War Writing.”

Visit the Arts of War and Peace Review website.

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