Laboratoire de Recherches sur les Cultures Anglophones, UMR 8225


Université Paris Diderot- uspc


Accueil > Themes > Gender


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The decision to establish a formal “gender" group within LARCA is a response to the interests of faculty and students who already belong to other LARCA groups, namely History and Politics, Boundaries of Literature, and Visual Cultures. LARCA is already interdisciplinary, but the theme of gender offers another opportunity for collaborative research. Gender Studies is not a discipline ; it operates with the gender category that enables different disciplinary methodologies to revise, renew and expand their objects of study. We examine the interrelations between women and men, but also between men and between women. Thus, Gender determines objects that belong to interpersonal and collective dynamics that enlarge the scope of research themes while renewing or revising the former approach. But gender projects also highlight new objects such as masculinities, sexualities and of course “women” beyond the simple but necessary accounting of women and men.

The LARCA gender group is made of about 20 lecturers, professors and PhD students while about 10 other people have expressed interest in our activities (2017).

Download the leaflet Gender :

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