Laboratoire de Recherches sur les Cultures Anglophones, UMR 8225


Université Paris Diderot- uspc


Accueil > Collaborations

Global Matters

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Spearheaded by the LARCA, the Global Matters Research Project aims to bring together researchers in different departments and research units (LARCA, ICT, CRCAO, SPHERE, LIED) who work on the global history of techniques and material cutlure from the early modern period onwards.
The reserach project has led to the creation of a publishing series (Global Matters) with Brepols International. The first titles in the series should come out in late 2019/ early 2020.

To find out more about the Global Matters project

The Global Matters Research Project is part of LARCA’s trans-axis research project Material culture.

LARCA’s research themes diagram.

For further information, please contact Ariane Fennetaux.

Series of videos

In collaboration with several museums in and around Paris (Musée Cognacq-Jay, Musée de la toile de Jouy…), Paris-Musées and the studio video Paris Diderot, the project has produced a series of small outreach videos.

From Calico to French Bureau/ D’une Indienne à l’autre / 从印度棉布到写字桌 :

The World in a Pocket / Le Monde en poche / 口袋里的世界 :

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